The Centre develops continuing professional education programmes in healthcare organization, management and economics. Leading industry experts teach courses, which helps keep the Centre’s programmes up to date.
Regular courses cover the following topics:
- Economics and finance in healthcare institutions
- Medical aid reimbursement in the compulsory health insurance system
- Medical aid quality control in healthcare institutions
- Income-generating activities and procedures for fee-based medical services in healthcare institutions
- Interaction between participants in the compulsory health insurance system related to planning and implementing local compulsory health insurance programmes. Methods of payment for health care
- Legal issues related to healthcare activities
- Legal regulation and salary models for healthcare employees based on an effective contract
- Expertise on medial leave
- Management and economics in health care
The Centre offers several training formats:
- Short-term (under 72 hours) topical courses in specific areas of professional and administration work
- Topical and problem-related seminar programmes (72 to 100 hours); short-term continuing education courses
- Long-term (over 100 hours) professional development programmes (continuing education) for in-depth study of certain problems related to public and municipal administration and social issues
The Centre’s teaching professionals also offer long-distance education and knowledge assessment.
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