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Centre for Health Policy Staff Presented a Paper at the EuHEA Conference 2016

The Paper ‘The Motivational Effects of Changing from a Fixed Salary to Performance Based Remuneration of Russian Physicians’ Was Prepared by the Centre’s Director, Sergey Shishkin, and Leading Research Fellow Aleksandr Temnitsky.
The Research Uses the Data of Five Surveys Conducted in 2007–2014. The Objective of this Research is to Study what is the Impact of Development during Last Years the Performance Based Remuneration System of the Russian Physicians on their Motivation at Work.
Sergey Shishkin Presented the Paper at the European Association of Health Economics Conference in Hamburg, Germany on July 14, 2016.

 The motivational effects of changing fro..uneration of Russian physicians (PDF, 223 Кб)

 Abstract (PDF, 138 Кб)